What You Should Look Out For When Choosing A Bodyguard?

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You don’t want to hire the wrong bodyguard when you make the decision to hire one. To hire with confidence, you must conduct your due diligence. The greatest bodyguard for you, your family, and your property is someone you can entirely trust.

So, what’s the best way to discover someone trustworthy to fill this critical role? So, you begin by seeking the appropriate attributes. Here’s a look at the qualities to look for when choosing a bodyguard for professional executive protection.

1. Professional experience

A bodyguard’s job is to safeguard the person or group of people they are guarding against assassination, assault, kidnapping, and other threats; to do so, they must be in top mental and physical shape. This is why someone with substantial law enforcement or military expertise is required. While it may be less expensive to hire someone who is just starting out, former military soldiers and police officers have the necessary experience to safeguard you and provide you with peace of mind. Deterring, observing, detecting, handling firearms, reporting, and physical intervention is among the competencies and skills of this seasoned residential security London personnel.

2. In-depth training

Top-tier bodyguards go above and beyond the minimum training requirements. Pacific West Academy provides in-depth instruction. It would be preferable if you hired a bodyguard with the following qualifications:

  • Situational awareness
  • Driving defensively
  • Pedestrian and vehicle control
  • Patrol
  • Controlling the ports of admission and departure
  • Assets and property movement and removal
  • Asset and individual protection
  • collaborating with law enforcement and first responders
  • Managing and de-escalating situations involving agitated individuals or crowds
  • Customer support

3. Superior judgment

It takes more than assessing the bodyguard’s training and expertise to choose the ideal individual to protect you and your possessions or property. You’ll want to go deeper to learn more about the person you’re considering hiring. This person must have exceptional judgment. Intelligence, the ability to remain calm and composed even in stressful situations, and critical thinking are all signs of good judgment.

4. Superior driving abilities

Always employ a bodyguard who is a skilled driver. A professional and experienced bodyguard must have defensive driving skills in addition to a standard driver’s license to assist save lives, assets, and property. Many bodyguards lack the ability to drive safely, defensively, and fast at the same time during a crisis, but the proper one will.

5. Ability to communicate

Of course, you’re not going to choose your bodyguard because of their exceptional communication abilities. You should, however, hire someone who can communicate effectively, eloquently, and confidently. Communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, are essential for providing you with the best protection.

6. Physical stamina

A excellent bodyguard should be physically strong and in good health. Executive protection frequently necessitates quick reactions, physical contact, and aggressive encounters. A skilled bodyguard should be physically capable of doing all of the tasks at hand.

Situational awareness (number 7)

At all times, a bodyguard must be vigilant and aware of their surroundings. That means he or she must be a natural listener. It would be ideal if you didn’t have to be concerned about your bodyguard being distracted or losing concentration while on the job.

8. Experience with customer service

You should hire someone with customer service experience. After all, your bodyguard will be interacting with members of your family, visitors, and clients.

Team player No. 9

Choose a bodyguard who can collaborate with others. This includes other security employees as well as anyone in your immediate vicinity.

10. Ability to work alone

While a competent bodyguard should work well with others, they must also be able to work independently. Hire a bodyguard who can act quickly and without being directed.

Professionalism (#11)

Bodyguards must maintain a high level of professionalism at all times, being courteous, pleasant, and lacking in arrogance or superiority. After all, this person’s job is to help you preserve and improve your reputation, and a professional demeanor will assist you in doing so.

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