Guide to Nutritional Supplements

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Just a quick note on nutritional supplements and the confusion they cause! To begin with, a supplement is simply that—a supplement—and should not be used in place of healthy eating and diligent effort. It would be blatantly false to compare the usage and outcomes of nutritional supplements (the legal steroid alternatives) to those of true anabolic steroids, useful articles about steroids here. You don’t have to worry about the legal repercussions if you use them, but they can and do deliver amazing benefits for many people.

Many people do not consider these factors when evaluating a product’s efficacy, despite the fact that everyone should be aware that results will vary based on genetic (rate of protein synthesis, enzyme production, digestive absorption, muscle fiber types, metabolism, etc.) and environmental (training intensity, protein & calorie consumption, adequate sleep/rest, stress, etc.) factors. Not everyone will get the best outcomes from a certain product! On the other hand, there are a lot of dishonest supplement companies who create subpar or fake items. Even for the distributors, it is getting harder to distinguish between good products and bad ones!

Sadly, it is frequently up to the customer to spend their hard-earned money on a product in order to determine whether or not it works for them. This is why I ask for product feedback. Your input matters as a consumer! It does have an impact on my decision to carry a particular product or series of products, and I’m hoping it will make the supplement producer think twice. Here are some suggestions to help you get the most of your money and establish an objective judgement about a product in light of the aforementioned.

1. Make an effort to influence as many environmental aspects as you can!

A. Eat right to achieve your goals! Consume enough protein if you’re trying to grow muscle while using a substance designed to increase size and strength (aim for 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day). It goes without saying that you must reduce your daily calorie intake if you are using a supplement to aid with fat and weight loss. There is no secret solution to accomplish your goals without work!

B. Proper nutrition is crucial because many hormone manipulators (androstenedione, tribulus, 19-norandrostenedione, and androstenediol, among others) depend on enzyme conversions and many vitamins and minerals serve as co-enzymes. To make sure you don’t have any deficiencies, you might want to think about taking an excellent multivitamin and mineral supplement (for example – zinc is necessary for the enzyme conversion of androstenedione to testosterone).

C. Train with your objectives in mind (set reasonable objectives), and at all costs, avoid overtraining.

D. Attempt to obtain enough rest and sleep (shoot for 8 hours).

E. Make every effort to limit stress from external sources.

2. Understand the medication you are taking!

A. Dosages – Occasionally, in my experience and view, the dosage recommended on the product label is not the one that produces the best effects. Numerous supplement businesses are infamous for suggesting dosages that are on the high end (perhaps so you will run out faster and buy more product). Find the dosage range where the majority of people see results by doing some research on recommended dosages. Sometimes less is preferable, and other times more is required. In most cases (for the vast majority of items), I advise beginning with the lowest dose feasible and gradually increasing the dosage to the upper end range if the desired outcome is not obtained.

B. Be aware of any unique instructions for using the product. For instance, whether to take in divided doses, with food, or on an empty stomach; whether to follow a specific diet; how much water to drink; etc. (For instance, when using vandyl sulfate, it is advised to maintain a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and to drink at least 1 to 1.5 gallons of water daily)

C. Route of administration – I’m hesitant to include this because of the lengths people will go to in order to obtain results, and World Class Nutrition FITNESS PRODUCTS DOES NOT RECOMMEND EXTRAORDINARY ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION. However, I have spoken with others who have conducted experiments and had great success. (Many of you have certainly seen some of the arguments in publications or on the internet, particularly those involving Dan Duchaine and alternate administration routes.)

I personally am aware of persons who have attempted various workarounds for the issue of stomach acid preventing prohormone absorption. Before taking prohormones, some people have suggested taking an antacid (such as 1 tablespoon of baking soda, Rolaids, Tums, etc.), while others swear by intrasnasal administration. I’ve only heard of this with pure (single) prohormones; the combo products haven’t been mentioned. I’ve also heard that intranasal administration only requires 1/10th of the amount (10mg intranasally is equivalent to 100mg orally), but most people claim that using one half of a capsule at a time gives them the best results just before exercising.

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